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Roger Woolman and Geoff Martin established the electronic engineering firm Martin-Woolman in a small garage in St Albans in 1971. This is where they made their first product – their own invention of a portable lightbox for use by photographers and advertising agencies and electronic controllers for large industrial fans and air conditioning units. In the early 1980s the business quickly developed and then moved to an executive park across the road. This is where they employed staff for the first time – two of which are still with us today!
Then, in 1989 the business was relocated to larger premises in Welwyn Garden City, where we remain to this day. This is where Martin-Woolman branched out into sub-contracting for large companies around the area.
Now we provide contract manufacturing for our customers not only here in the U.K but also in the U.S

Panshanger F.C exists to provide junior football for players from the Under 5 Age Group up to the Under 18 age group. It is run exclusively by volunteers who are prepared to give time and effort to ensure that no player in the area is excluded from playing football.
In any one year the club may have up to 400 registered players, which makes it one of the largest junior clubs. Running a club takes a good deal of organisation and we always welcome new volunteers.
The club itself takes players from U5 to U18. U5 & U6 receive training only through Panshanger FC Tiny Tykes. From U7 onwards most teams play in the MHRML although, occasionally, teams seek to play in other Leagues. This is normally possible but does make life a little more complicated for the manager.
As the club has grown over the years it attracted more players than could normally be managed and it was therefore split into two groups – Whites and Yellows. From 2009 however, in the Club`s 40th Anniversary year, the club became united as one Club, and reverted to playing in it`s original green strip, and still using names from the “Big Cat” family, such as Lions, Tigers, Jaguars, Panthers and Pumas.
We are proud to say that we have just celebrated out 50th Year in 2019 and hope that we can provide football facilities for another 50!
Panshanger Football Club and the MHRML is affiliated to the Herts F.A.